Encounters / Globe gallery UK 2019


Globe gallery, Newcastle on Tyne, UK
In situ, solo show

Susanne Strassmann completed a short residency at Globe during October 2018, meeting and painting those who are part of the local LGBTQ+ community.

The result is an exhibition that explores aspects of LGBTQ+ life through painting as performance, personal testimonies and experiences in the city and region. In an era where the presentation of self happens through instantaneous processes of exchange, an identity captured at the pace of painting forces sitter, painter and viewer to consider with more care and compassion the acts of vulnerability and affirmation that happen every time we reallyopen ourselves up to being seen.

This exhibition has been made possible with the generous support of Dr Gareth Longstaff and the Queer Media, Culture, Heritage project in the School of Arts and Cultures at Newcastle University.

Curated by Rashida Davison, Director Globe Gallery

Paintings in the show
